Saturday, March 21, 2009

The $ales dogs.

Dogs!Today,I'm going to talk about them.

I've been reading this particular interesting book called "The sales dogs" by Blair Singer ( Rich Dad's advisor). Looking at the title, you would find yourself scratching your head wondering what dogs gotta do with sales? It doesn't make sense, does it?

However, taking up the new portfolio allows me to learn new things like this.
So, I've decided to summarize it for you.

Here it goes.

True selling means being passionate about your company’s product/service, and being compassionate with the wants, solving problems, dreams and needs of fellow human beings.

The breeds:

Pitt Bull

a) The most aggressive. Look at that face!

b) They attack with ferocity, aggression and tenacity. Well, why am I not surprise?

c) Strengths : Sheer power, fearlessness( make more calls, sell more and filed more rejections),directness.

d) Weaknesses: Lack of tactfulness, strategy and patience.

I could easily identify this with someone who's in the management level:P

Golden Retriever

a) Customer service is everything! Look at the adorable face, won't you succumb to their services?

b) They believe that the more given to prospects, they more they'll love them and ultimately buy more! won't you?

c) Strengths : Build life long loyal customers, constantly add value to services, taking objections and bend over backwards.


a) Sophisticated, highly intelligence, conscious of looking marvelous, center of attention, life and soul of the party, a smooth operator- living in the fast lane.

b) Incredibly well - connected with most extensive and exclusive network.

c) Strengths: Impressive power of persuasion, consummate marketing, skilled in developing and implementing marketing tools/strategies.


a) Incredibly bright, technical wizards, Intense hyperactive, passion for knowledge.

b) It's all about the facts, figures, data, market research and evidence.

c) Strengths : Great in delivering proof, able to alleviate fear, impart wisdom and confidence in the product.

d) Weaknesses: Very emotional and paranoid. haha!

Basset Hound

a) Faithful, constant, dependable, the "begging", sympathy strategy.

b) Seek personal connection.

c) Strengths: Integrity, consistency and trustworthiness. Build great long-term personal rapport.



a) Combination of more than one breeds.

b) Strengths : They understand their natural strengths and work towards acquiring favorable traits of other breeds.

c) Successful.

I want to be a supermutt! ( not literally)

After reading the book, I find myself having fun( annoying) identifying the breeds of my department peeps.
" You. The bull!", " Eh, you're a poodle! "

So, identify your breeds to help you maximize your strength and minimize your weaknesses.

Now, who say you can't sell?

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